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max roy

a man who really doesn't have much going for him, may have a heroin addiction we dont know yet it may be a bagel.

man max roy fucking sucks

by pileofdirt December 13, 2016

frequency max

fre·quen·cy max, the highest, and most common frequency at which maksim a jew indeginous to the brooklyn and queens areas of NY is consistantly vibrating at, this vibration frequency is known to climax at times when einsteinian quantum mechanics is mentioned, or when this particular variant of jew meets a she-jew and within 5 minutes declares engagement to be wed. a shorter name would be max, this particular jew has the ability to alter his frequency giving him the potential to disappear from sight as well as faze through walls and some times even time its self.

uhoh a documentary on eintein is being shown in modern physics, maksims frequency max is going to hit the roof today.

by David Cheng December 16, 2004

2👍 1👎

Cell Max

Cell Max is the holy being from the dragon ball series, he is the strongest foe they ever had to face, with his amazing feats of one shotting Gohan, killing Piccolo, ripping Broly in half, and many more

Damn dude, Cell Max might just be the best anime character ever.

by Cell Max May 21, 2023

Max Kong

To use the excuse to make a cup of tea so you can flirt with the maid that's cleaning the kitchen.

Dude, I just caught Greg Max Konging while he's supposed to be at the meeting!

by Maxkongman March 18, 2016

max tilt

Max Tilt is to go at maximum rampage killing and causing chaos along the way. This may include Burning , Pillaging, Communing with demons. To be defined as Max Tilt it must be spontaneous.

Wow that guy went Max Tilt when he burned that house down

by Angel Xeyou April 22, 2018

Max Rawlinson

To be called a Max Rawlinson is to be considered the lowest point in your entire life and you should seriously consider suicide. His cock is so small and he gets beaten up by 9 year old girls. Some say he sucks cock so hard that he still has foreskin stuck in his throat, causing his extremely high pitch voice. Has no chance at getting pussy that you almost feel bad for him until you remember his bedtime is 6:30 and he likes fortnite. Also known as Mr pickles, commonly abbreviated to pickle bitch, pickle bot, pickle nigger, pickle sweat.

I'm sorry. I didn't want to say this, but seriously. You're being a Max Rawlinson. *Other person instantly kills themselves.*

by babatounde68+1 March 9, 2020

Max Wallace


Max Wallace is a milf

by iwbfoieusbgr May 10, 2022