Slang term for nigger usually in Texas and California, used by white supremacists and neo Nazi hate groups
Ho ho looks like Mickey mouse left the house
Mickey Mouse is the strongest fictional character ever. He has gone through numerous of lethal injuries and he still is doing okay. He also magnetizes anyone that sees him so that they love him, in all ways. Mickey Mouse is the best fictional character.
Oh Mickey Mouse you taste so good!
all the good stuff owner of Disney and I get all the chicks including daisy
HOLY SHIT IS THAT MICKEY MOUSE!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!!??!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!!?!?!?!??!?!?!
Combination of the old "Mickey" as a date rape drug, mixed with the "Mouse" as a rodent inside a field or house. Together they are "Mickey Mouse" such as the animated character in Disney.
The Urban usage is when you have put a network in a deep sleep by virus or Denial of Service attack, and then you inject the House or "Network" with spyware and or maleware for exploiting the devices and networks activities.
This can be done in person as well, if Vr, Xr, and Augmented Realitys programming languages and abilities are used along with Immersion Technology. The person will become an exploited broadcasted event.
Also it defines the people whom have set such a "Mouse Trap" by trying to find some cheese and getting trapped along with it because of the paradox's it assumes. Therefore consuming everything that touches it.
You got doxed by your friends and an ex on some Mickey Mouse shit.
Thats a mf Mickey Mouse hoe if i ever seen one right there.
Look at the gutters on that house, how Mickey Mouse too different.
The high furry that likes to eat children’s poop
Holy shit! Mickey Mouse has been stalking me