Phrase used when you feel as if you are about to puke.
“I feel like crap, I’m gonna “pull a Nathan”
A super cool gay landscaper. He has a really big wiener and loves his friends, his jeep and his country.
Hey have you guys seen Nathan Chrestman lately, he got a sick new jeep?
When you're future is uncertain
P1: "Mate I don't know what will happen tomorrow!"
P2: "Mate you've done a Nathan Buckley!"
This is somebody you need in your life who is kind, generous, and smarter than all. He’s better than most, and good at everything.
Man that guy is such a Nathan Henson. He is such a Nathan Henson he’s cool.
A sexy beast. Such a boss too. He is hilarious and is very caring. Don’t mess with him unless u want hell to break loose. Also a legend.
I wish I was more like Nathan Navarro!