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sensory rape

Large blockbuster movies make full advantage of all senses to literally perform a sensory rape on their audience, to make sure it stimulates people enough to go watch the film, regardless of how shit the story probably is.

I just watched the Terminator 3 trailer at the imax and I got a right royal sensory raping.

I was sensory raped by the new Batman Forever trailer

by bobbylocksville May 21, 2009

16๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


a.)to abuse oneself on drugs and alcohol.
b.)an afterparty (rapefest)
c.)the feeling of being assaulted you get when you have run out of drugs and/or alcohol.
d.)to use someone's possessions and not take very good care of them.

a.)i raped myself silly this weekend.
b.) get the f**k out of my rape.
c.)i feel raped.
d.)sorry, i completely raped your heels.

by Peter Glam March 3, 2007

22๐Ÿ‘ 430๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gang Rape

Traditionally the term Gang Rape has been used exclusively to describe the act of a large group of people sexually violating an individual; however, in recent times this term has also evolved to include the act of an individual raping an entire gang.

While logistically far more challenging, the cumulative incidence of rape is far higher for the perpetrator making this crime arguably more rewarding and convenient for today's busy rapist.

Conversely gang rapees may feel intense shame having had their entire gang violated by a single Gang Raper (GR), which has lead this crime being grossly underreported.

Due to the technical difficulties encountered in raping an entire gang, a GR must carefully consider their methods and means. Rohypnol, Ketamine and Normison are often cited as reliable tools for this typically challenging situation.

Bob, "Lucy, Frankie, Renee and Gang, welcome to my house I'm so glad you could all make it to my mulled wine party. Please, have a glass..."

Lucy, "Hey gang! My mulled wine doesn't taste quite right..."

Renee, "Why is Frankie on the floor frothing at the mouth? I feel sleepy..."

Lucy, " NO, BOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

An unspecified amount of time later...

Frankie, "Oh my god I can't believe our whole gang just got raped."

1 out of 10 people enjoy Gang Rape.

by Secret Time December 13, 2009

394๐Ÿ‘ 188๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bike Rape

When you drive down US1 and see a guy on a bike riding down the sidewalk with a girl on the handlebars lookin like shes drugged up.

Hey chica, you see that bike rape?

by sexayboyyoo June 27, 2009

44๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


This is when go on to Facebook (or My Space, Bebo etc) under a friend's user name because they've been silly enough to keep their account logged on unattended. Once you're on, to punish them for making this silly mistake, you then message random people random things, changing their status etc. (nothing offensive obviously). Once the dirty deed is done, log off leaving them none the wiser.

'I went went on facebook on a pal's computer, I forgot to log off and got facebook-raped!'

by TJ27 February 26, 2009

35๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Emo Rape

When someone cuts other people instead of themselves against the other persons will.

"Someone emo raped me, thats why I have that cut on my arm."

by Shannisse November 20, 2006

105๐Ÿ‘ 45๐Ÿ‘Ž

Clown Rape

Being raped by someone in a clown suit or a clown mask or raping someone wearing a clown suit or mask.

Did you see Little House On The Prairie the other night? It was a two part episode about clown rape!

by RobNYC May 29, 2008

63๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž