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The act of one slapping another in the face with a patty of some sort of meat product, be it hamburger or chicken patty.

"Dude, he just patty-slapped you. Wipe that ketchup off your face, man."

by Your_Mom_Likes_Cabbage May 12, 2006

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slapped the yarmulka

Slang term meaning one has been gifted with a very large nose.

Howard Stern was slapped the yarmulka! You could ski down his nose!

by Paul August 2, 2004

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Trout Slap

1. The act of bludgeoning someone or something with a trout.

johnny stepped out of line so bobby trout slapped him

by IceMan316 December 18, 2003

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pirate slap

A modified and more intense kind of a pimp slap, that when struck would remind the receptient of the pain felt by wenches in the days of pirates.

When becky got pirate slapped she thought to herself, wow this is what being a pirates wench must've felt like...

by Tdiddy March 22, 2005

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Slap Bow

a phrase used when telling someone to "be gone" or "fuck off" "get out of town"

Girl: How come your havn't called me all day, im tired of your shit
Boy: Girl Slap Bow! i don't have time for all these complaints, we are on the phone now so get over it!

by Freshmade July 4, 2010

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Ghost slap

Socially acceptable excuse in which you slap someone and proceed to blame it on a "ghost"

"Ow, what the hell?!"
"Ghost slap."

by Telepop August 31, 2008

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Slap Face

1) Oppiste of Kick Ass
2) Short for "slap in the face"

Guy 1: That girl just turned me down cuz she heard I had a small package.

Guy 2: Dude, that is slap face.

by greyfrog April 28, 2009

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