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Poopy Towel

Full of themselves and their body suffers from it, always want it their way even if it makes no sense. Usually big jerks. (usually the type of people you see at a trampoline park)

That Jorgan is sure a poopy towel. I wish he would just get some excercise and shut up.

by Kingdom Miracle November 30, 2020

Poopy splat

smelly thing that comes from a 2 circle part


by Poobysoy January 26, 2022

poopy butthole

and toilet paper gets stuck up your ass with a shit attached to it then it gets sucked up so toilet paper and shit is up your ass

i had a poopy butthole happen yesterday

by mommymaddie September 15, 2022

how long should i keep the poopy in

duct tape

me: hey doc i got another question for you i know you really liked the last one how long should i keep the poopy in like how long should i keep the duct tape in

by doccuh April 24, 2022

Poopy cocka doody

Pure got garbage! Shit.

Your hair looks like poopy cocka doody!

by Spaceherpe June 26, 2019

poopy peg dick

This is where the man has his penis pooed on by a significant other, than is rammed up the pooper repeatedly, until some blood comes out. Then, This ass blood, is hardened, and makes a sort of condom, and then fucks said, significant other

Bro, Adam is totally into poopy peg dick!

by Joyland April 9, 2023

Poopy Sticks

Used instead of a swear word.
Can be used instead of the F word, the B word and the SH word.

1. That person is a poopy.
2. Aw, poopy Sticks!

by Witch_E September 5, 2022