Someone who may not want to be/act/appear as an asshole, but totally pulls some asshole moves
Man, Eric is nice and all but a total low key asshole when it comes to (insert particular issue here).
Man 1: "Celine gave you a blowjob?"
Man 2: "Yea it was dope. She's a total pro low sippa."
Depression, itchiness, weakness caused by low altitudes during snow storms that can only be treated with elevation, beers, and fresh powder.
Sorry boss, not gonna make it in today...Got the low altitude sickness.
Run. They can be either your best friend or you will be their next sacrifice to the tuba god. They are also the most together as a section with camping, movies and other fun. Feed daily
The low brass is having a sectional, wait, wheres bob?
He fell into the low brass section, who sacrificed trumpets and woodwinds!
someone who doesn't seem like they'd be a stoner but actually is. an unconventional stoner if you will
"oh yea you know her? she is such a low key stoner, never would've expected that"
When something is Low Key Valid it’s pretty cool.
This water I just drank is low key valid.
This term refers to the cleaning of your excremental skid marks in the toilet by getting a juicy wad of toilet paper, flushing the toilet, and dislodging the spackle during the minimal amount of time there is no water in the bowl during the flush.
I couldn't leave my ass remnants in the porcelain jungle for my coworkers to see, so i had to do the low tide slide.