Source Code

Every Single Year

A national holiday where everyone plays minecraft.

"Carol, what are you doing?"
"Playing For-"
"Stfu, wrong game. It's Minecraft time every single year."

by bruhmoney December 15, 2020

New Year 2023

It has happened!

Guy 1: Are you dancing on New Year 2023?
Guy 2: Yes!

by Fire Axus December 31, 2022

8.515 year old

Someone who’s 0.00000000000000003% better then an 8.5133 year old

Ok so basically someone who’s 0.0000000000000000000000001% better than 8.5133 year old is 8.515 year old I’m 8.515 year old


by The dancing nugget July 18, 2022

Douche-year old

When a douche nozzle/bag is throwing a tantrum.

This douche nozzle was such a whining, complaining brat over the smallest occurrences. He was acting like a douche-year old.

by 4RealBiitCH September 3, 2018

New Years Eve

The one time of year everyone gets the chance to stay up late, get drunk and make dad jokes with an excuse. The next day everyone will be making bad pins and waking up at 11 am and wondering what the hell happened that night and why they woke up in bed with their ex.

"Hey what happened last night?"

"Last night? Don't you mean last year? It was also New Years Eve so what do you expect?"

by Unicornpie6666 October 22, 2019

New Years Eve

A night created for people to go out and get plastered. By celebrating the year change on December 31st to Januarary 1st

What are your plans for New Years Eve this year?

by CountryGirl14 January 2, 2015

Year 8 Freddie

A person who has a unbelievable amount of power

That guy is a Year 8 Freddie

by Science_Master October 2, 2019