A fantastic gambling site using the Bitcoin currency. Usually has more mods online than normal users.
Bit-exo is attracting a lot of indo's these days.
The man the legend the internet sensation
He is a good youtuber who plays games and records them
George:Do you watch 8-bit ryan?
Bob: who is he?
A way to say a medium amount of something. Was birthed when a little boy wanted "a little lot a bit" of ketchup.
Mom: how much dressing do you want on your salad?
Child: a little lot a bit.
To have a tiny penis
“The girls said Ol’ Jimmy down the block was wee in the bits”
Doing it for the bit. Like when you purposefully do something that you wouldn’t normally do, but for the bit (so it’s ok).
“Should i get this pink diamond hat?”
“Do it for the bit bro”
A term used when someone, usually male, is more pissed off than usual - if something crawled up your leg and bit your bollock you would quite understandably be pissed off.
Usually quite a subtle way to tell them they're acting annoyed, funny too.
Joe: " STFU DUDE!"
Jim: "Damn, what's crawled up your leg and bit your bollock ?"
A sexual act; to gain pleasure from the act of sucking bits of fecal matter from an anus
Judah enjoyed his date with Adolf after vigorous bit mining.