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Shit Wank

Using your shit as a lube when you wank. Also known as defecation-masturbation.

There's nothing better than a shit wank, except maybe a banana wank.

by David is a gay January 23, 2007

60👍 46👎

Posh Wank

Masturbating whilst wearing a top hat and or Monocle

Samuel: Jeffrey my dear boy care to join me for a posh wank ?

Jeffrey: Yes indeed Samuel, let me fetch my top hat and monocle.

by The Uber Black guy March 16, 2011

74👍 56👎

wank off

To have a wank fight. You have to masturbate against another player and the winner is who lasts the longest. You must attempt to wank at at least 20 mph. Try and collect your jizz in a cup and compare to other players for more win.

"I totally kicked their asses in that wank off last night. I managed to beat 4 people in a row"

by XavierPoop January 29, 2014

17👍 8👎

Wank Factor

This is a completely subjective, yet somehow measurable scale of how precious, wanky, artsy-fartsy, self-indulgent, too-kewl-for-skewl, deliberately obscure, contrived, psuedo-intellectual…you get my drift…basically anything pretentious…is. If it seems to fit any of the aforementioned descriptions, then it is often claimed to have a "High Wank Factor".

But this scale is not merely restricted to putting the mockers on the clever-dick types, oh, no! Also plebians who partake in the pursuit of pop culture aren't spared from being rated on the wank factor: the ones who get a high score amongst the various sub-cultures of mainstream society include the right-wing commentariat, all who are involved in reality TV, lifestyle shows, boy bands, advertising, etc., wiggaz pooncing about in Wu-Tang or FUBU, rice burner Lancers or Civics that have still have drainpipe mufflers with the base carby engine…list goes on…basically, any jumped-up pleb thinking they're more sophisticated than the rest of the common herd.

1. Some people would claim that many of the radio programmes featured on ABC Radio National have a high wank factor.

2. Yeah, that wannabe Lancer GL-pretending-to-be-a-Lancer Evo VII is sooo lame, scoring high on the wank factor for it's pissy little rear drum brakes showing behind the licorice-strapped 20-inch wheels, bouncing off the road with its doof-doof from its subwoofer.

by Bag O'Turnips February 8, 2007

24👍 15👎

tit wank

Usually associated with knob in tits scenario,but can also mean wanking a womans tits off to orgasm,great to watch!

Tit wank love,i am having a great wank watching!

by rudi October 28, 2006

178👍 153👎

Chinese Wank

A wank where one speaks in tongues by using a special technics created in rural areas of west yorkshire by its locals inhabitants.

"ay up our lad jonny was speaking fooking tongues after hes chinese wank and tea"

by Seany Dangerous September 3, 2007

20👍 13👎

Wank Me

Used it as a replacement for the phrase "fuck you, or "fuck off."

Dave: hey!

by 2112Kar April 16, 2007

12👍 7👎