When your working on the jobsite, and your boss says “hire handicaps and watch them work” probably means your being a professional dumbass, and can’t do a simple task properly.
Hey jerry, can you help me cut down this tree? “Sure, I’ll grab the clippers!” (Boss) “hire handicaps and watch them work.”
And what is your study on an analogous topic going to accomplish other than your own aggrandizement, shit-for-brains? HA! *Long term he says! Ha!
Hym "Yeah, hey, I think you're deflecting to 2nd order motivational principles to detract from a pretty egregious violation of civil liberties in the vein of that E'carceration book. But what I've done is write something people are actually going to read and what I wrote isn't a derivative re-hashing of the same work-salesman talking points. I imagine this is intended to be analogous to a school shooting but that shit is YOUR fault, collectively. That's you not knowing when to let shit go. And if you would have let the trams shit go when I told you to, you'd have 7 extra Catholic kids running around WOULDN'T YOU MATT? And I'm not a fraud. People expect me to be bombastic or something but none of the characters based on me are that. Almost all of them are dispassionate or aloof. Which I am. Is being good at gas station work concordant with virtue? No. And everything I said was happening is happening. I don't know what you expect me to be but I guarantee you're going to expect (deliberately) something you know I'm not so you can cry fraud. But ONKY because I called your favorite psychologist a charlatan. Perpetual uno reverse out of spite but you can't actually think well enough to do anything else. That and YOU'RE the one watching it fuck-stick
A euphemism for masturbating, stemming from the idea of watching the rather mundane but charming letter/number-based UK game-show, Countdown.
"Eric, what are you doing up there?"
"I'm watching countdown, mum!"
laying outside at night and participating in semi-sexual (or very sexual for y’all little freaks) activity
“Me and Amanda were watching the stars last night ;)”
“No way! You made out with Amanda?!”
A staged event not an actual event.
Define The police and fireman tell little yoohoos to play little games.. was there a real crime or was the disturbance of the sort staged??
Military laughs doesn't know shit about nothing
That's like another countries military entering our air space for example 10,000 signapore armed forces enter air space United States armed forces ntercepts not for drama but doing the showa lol
Theatrics for example total defense display i.e theatrics the watch should probably save theatrics for YouTube not for real life lol...
When you go somewhere just to look at the thiccest bitches.
I went to the mall yesterday to hoe watch and I saw some juicy ass but I didn't tap.
Peak Discord Server with about 20 People who actually know modding
Tim:Did you see what the people in Yo-kai Watch Modding Zone are Cooking?
James:No, What are they cooking, they probably wouldn’t be cooking as much if it weren’t for Tinifan
Tim:They are making… ACTUAL MODS