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lil nas x

Hey lil nas x is gay

by I have a deep crush December 28, 2022


my bestfriend

me: what is gay?
my bestie: me

by jajajackjeep November 24, 2021


To like that dick up your ass even though your a guy

Vincent: Hey Noah what are you craving right now?
Noah: Some of that DICK
Vincent: EW you're so gay!

by bigpeepee47 January 9, 2019


Just- gay its men loving men or women loving women dumb fuck.

Im so fucking gay man

by Yucareperv February 21, 2021


something that some 12 year old probably looked up thinking they’re funny

12 year old 1: “let’s look up gay on urban dictionary”
12 year old 2: “good idea!”

by americawithouterica October 27, 2022


When a boy likes a boy sexually and some people don't like it cause it's weird

Ayo your gay

by MAN AM DEAD November 17, 2023


Every Middle School Boy

"I like you, bro." *very gay kiss*

by YOUR GAY WAD January 25, 2022