A chemical response in the brain responsible for making humans breed by releasing seretonin and other hormones to get procreation to occur which then releases more seretonin along with oxytocin to keep the family line going.
Used after sexual intercourse- " I love you Harold ❤️"
Love. Many types of love can be shown, platonic, romantically, sarcastically, etc. Everybody wants love. Everybody receives love. But sometimes we don't want or receive love. Reality makes us think love is want we need but its distracting us from self love. Love yourself, you're beautiful :) <3
I love you and you should too <3 continue being gorgeous and/or handsome
A four-letter-word that you can use in various ways that are mostly positive
I love you
I love this show
I love singing
I love murdering people
I love going to my therapist
I love playing video games
I love finding loopholes in people’s words
I love this color
I love this time of day
When someone asks "money or love" i pick money. Why? Because bitches aint shit but hoes and tricks. Love is a bitches game. -Slim Shady
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A lie we tell ourselves because apperenly fucking the first person you're even remotly attracted to is "inhumane". Pfft.
"What people call 'love' is just a chemical reaction that compels animals ti breed."
- Rick Sanches