Source Code


Love is a 4 letter word that you can use in various ways that are mostly positive.

I love games
I love trees
I love painting

by Fukitall2000 May 26, 2017


Something that isn't even descriable. It could be when you lose some of your teeth but you are not afraid to smile because you know your friends will still love you even though some of your teeth are missing.

OH MY GOD! She's not afraid to show off her love for him/her even though some of her teeth are missing!

by IdentityAsAPotato April 11, 2023


Love is when u want to fuck something so bad u asume u cant live without it

Exmple 1:

Hey josh check that girl out

-OMG she so sexy i wana giggty her gagogity goshbag
-Ik right lets fuck her

-I think im in love bro


Example 2:
Chris Hemsworth: exists

Every horny teenage girl and possible homosexuals: I LOVE CHRIS

by MK, not the shoe place June 19, 2021


the perfect combination of chemistry and comfort.

i love you... aka, "i am sexually attracted to you and you provide me comfort, therefore i must love you."

by kissmyfuckinass November 28, 2020


A fucking waste of time, this is the Urban Dictionary wtf did you expect.(You don't need love to be a bad bitch)

you:whats love
me:look it up

by charlidamelioooo December 14, 2020


Nalira is beautiful and kind . She blindly trust everyone . They showers love for the people around her.They love food and sleep more than anything. She is partially broken, but still care for one who destroyed her mental health. They has a few super close friends and the rest are just a good friends . They literally loves to stay at home , if you have nalira as a friend , never let them go because she is precious . If nalira is your friend/ girlfriend never let her go , she will be the best thing that has ever happened to you

She loves to talk more ✓ : stella

by Nalira November 25, 2023


Nalira is beautiful and kind . She blindly trust everyone . They showers love for the people around her.They love food and sleep more than anything. She is partially broken, but still care for one who destroyed her mental health. They has a few super close friends and the rest are just a good friends . They literally loves to stay at home , if you have nalira as a friend , never let them go because she is precious . If nalira is your friend/ girlfriend never let her go , she will be the best thing that has ever happened to you

She loves to talk more ✓ : stella

by Nalira November 25, 2023