Source Code

blend your balls

Massaging a mans testicles sexually

I want to blend your balls until you scream with pleasure

by Slapjack February 27, 2015

Premier Ball

A Poke Ball that's used for special events. Like for catching defeated Raid Bosses or Shadow PKMN in Pokémon Go, and for PKMN Shenanigans in other Pokémon games. Starting from Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald. It has the same rate as a regular Poke Ball, making it useless against 5-Star Raid Bosses, but it looks cooler.

PKMN Trainer 1: Time to use this Premier Ball on this Heatran!
PKMN Trainer 2: Phht, That thing is useless against Legendary PKMN like that.
PKMN Trainer 1: Yeah right.
PKMN Trainer 1 uses the Premier Ball on the Heatran. Not very effective.
PKMN Trainer 1: Oh
PKMN Trainer 2: Told Ya.

by MDawg1491 July 3, 2023

balling vs bawling

balling often means sexual intercouse.
Bawling means you are crying hard

Balling vs bawling

Josh was Balling Charlotte.
My cat died and I am bawling.
These are two very different words that sound exactly the same

by it'sagotcha March 11, 2024

Balls No Brains

Something you either need massive balls to do or zero brains.

Example with no brains

Bobby “Why is that guy riding a motorcycle with no helmet at 130 mile per hour (209 Kilometers per hour)?”
Brandon “That’s because he has a bad case of Balls No Brains

Example with huge balls

Bobby “damn! That guy just punched one of the robbers in the face, too bad he’s about to get shot.”
Brandon “That guys got a serious Balls No Brains way of thinking.”

by Closet Gayng October 21, 2021

Nitty balls

Jason littles balls

Ellise sucks Jason’s nitty balls

by Nitty balls May 15, 2022

Nitty balls

Nits in your balls

Jason has nitty balls

by Nitty balls May 15, 2022

nitty balls

My balls are covered in lice, people keep staring at me. I’m the least favourite out of the friend group.

Hey! Jason has nitty balls!!!

by naughtylatedy May 15, 2022