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Kitchen syndrome

you’ve ordered a meal, the hunger is continually developing and in result you keep looking towards the kitchen pass

I’m so hungry, I have such bad kitchen Syndrome *stares at every waiter coming from the kitchen*

by I Neubs July 15, 2022

severe acute small dick syndrome

Basically micropenis, shrinks your dick to the size of around 1-2 inches erect, 0.5 inch to 0.75 inches flaccid, or even smaller, shortened to SASDS

Doctor: sorry i diagnose you with severe acute small dick syndrome

Patient: damn it no wonder that bitch Sidney didn't want my bitch ass

by lachsgeudan October 15, 2023

The Syndrome

The embodiment of the anti-funk, defeated only by weaponized funk, such as a a Bop Gun, or in the absence of funk armaments, calling upon the might of the Grand Galactic Federation of Funk itself. It permeates like a virus knocked up a wave, and must be stamped out where ever it is found.

When The Syndrome is around, don't let your guard down, all you got to do is call on the funk.

by JoeBlocks June 11, 2019

Autistic Duck Syndrome

When trying to get your ducks in a row result in a zig-zag

Suffering from Autistic Duck Syndrome is makes it difficult to get my life in order.

by ArcadianSage November 5, 2020

Battered Canadian Syndrome

When a Canadian spends enough time with Americans and they become an absolute asshole, renouncing their Canadian politeness because they're paid 75 cents on the dollar like a woman.

Pers 1-I can't spend time with so-and-so anymore, he's a total ass hat.
Pers 2-That's what happens when you get battered Canadian Syndrome.

by highlandblade April 5, 2019

Slender Syndrome

When a person is quiet when they walk. This usually leads to the person with Slender syndrome to scare the living hell out of any unsuspecting victim who doesn't hear them coming.

Person 1- Dude, that girl over there scared the hell out of me the other day.

Person 2- How? She looks so innocent and nice.
Person 1- She has Slender Syndrome. She's innocent and nice but quiet as hell. Watch your back.

by MotherDandy May 1, 2016

Chuck Todd Derangement Syndrome (CTDS)

Fully justified wave-of-fury affecting ALL "Meet the Press" viewers

Carl had seen "Meet the Press" one too many times. "why am I even allowing my DVR to tape this fucking garbage? Chuck Todd is a disgrace and obviously a mouthpiece for disgraced Qpublicans. what a fucking choad!" Carl exclaimed as he chucked his beer stein against the wall. poor Carl had Chuck Todd Derangement Syndrome (CTDS), so he decided to start a support group in his area.

by Uncle Joosie December 23, 2022