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Anyone named Trevor or Daniel

Damn Trevor hella gay reminds of daniel

by Giggasalej March 4, 2022


Non women liking non women, thats right. Not just men that like men. It's pretty much the exact opposite of lesbian (non men liking non men)
Gay relation ships are like uhhhhhhhhh
mlm, nblm, and nblnb but that can also be a lesbian couple.

Girl: Hey dude wanna go out?
Boy: Sorry girl, im gay.
Girl: Oh ok!

Boy: Hey dude, I'm gay. wanna go out?
Nonbinary: Yea sure!
Random person: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ur gay u like men not nonbinarys!!?!!!?
Boy: Gay is non women liking non women! not just men liking men.

by uaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh November 8, 2021


Anyone that is considered cool, fun, pretty etc.

They’re pretty much just better than you

Gay people are awesome

by Emily Goldstein October 7, 2021



guy: ur gay

you: oh.

by onlyagay October 14, 2021


Anyone named Ethan


"Go deeper Ethan"

by Nick O’ Teen June 12, 2022


Michael Cunningham

Michael is so fucking gay.

by 17_mistake_17 September 30, 2022


to be happy

im so gay for u

by Big Black Cock aka BBC April 4, 2023