The rapid aging one undergoes when becoming a father, usually accompanied by graying hair receding hairline, or the development of a dad bod.
Have you seen Tim since his kid was born? He dad aged quick.
The age you are allowed to get Married at
Like the Working age Gambling age porn age voting age vaping age Smoking age drinking age age of Consent age of Criminal age of puberty Adult age Coming of age and age of majority
I want to marry am I at the marriage age
notorious discord user known for doxxing, developing & extorting people.
$age is a scary dude.
Tadpole age is a simpler name for half-your-age-plus-seven rule. It is the lowest age you can stoop to when pursuing a romantic interest.
Kaye just walked out with someone that JUST meets her tadpole age.
Well she will have fun with that young man!