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prodigy math game

game for people wizards get warden beat puppet master

I play prodigy math game fun!

by prodigymathgame100 January 10, 2019

20πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

The Wokenization of Singapore Math

When white Christian nationalists or ultra-MAGA patriots subscribe to the radical pedagogy that adopting (or adapting part of) the Singapore math curriculum would only adulterate theirs, because exposing local students to alien problem-solving strategies and heuristics under the guise of multicultural math or ethnomathematics would only give undue credit to foreign curriculum math specialists and publishers.

A number of white or β€œwoke” curriculum censors are covertly working hand in hand with American textbook publishers to push for the wokenization of Singapore math, with both parties having a vested interest to ensure that dear inch-deep-mile-wide K–12 math textbooks rather than value-for-money foreign math titles inundate as many states and local schools as possible.

by Fasters May 10, 2023

90πŸ‘ 132πŸ‘Ž

High school math

stupid waste of your precious hours. Especially if you are doomed to cancer and heart disease like the rest of america.

a: how do you find the square root of something retarded and irrelevant?
b: Ill call up my high school math teacher and ask

by nikikikikik March 2, 2010

86πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

Kwa mathe ngara

A dilapidated informal settlement sandwiched between parklands and the C.B.D renown for it's unusually potent marijuana strains

alibambwa na masanse hapo kwa mathe ngara

by Adekambi September 21, 2021

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

laundry math anxiety

doubt over one's clothes malodorous aspect (in proportion to inability to smell ourselves as others do or to in-frequent laundromat visits); losing count of a garment's wearings.

B: can you do me a favor, does this sweater reek, third wearing, but it's my favorite....
G: ah, laundry math anxiety, i get it... but i wouldn't wear that again.

by tess jr April 30, 2009

Ancient Babylonian Math

A last ditch excuse to avoid getting with friends when you are really getting ready for bed. Reference to how the ancient Babylonians counting sheep.

A: Hey, do you want to go to a hot tub in like 20 minutes?
B: Sorry, I need to study ancient Babylonian math

by carhepsin October 6, 2021

math class retard

The person in your math class who asks a question that does make any sense because they are a retard.

β€œSometimes my dog eats grass”-math class retard

by YT Vocational View May 10, 2021