The age you are allowed to get Married at
Like the Working age Gambling age porn age voting age vaping age Smoking age drinking age age of Consent age of Criminal age of puberty Adult age Coming of age and age of majority
I want to marry am I at the marriage age
notorious discord user known for doxxing, developing & extorting people.
$age is a scary dude.
Tadpole age is a simpler name for half-your-age-plus-seven rule. It is the lowest age you can stoop to when pursuing a romantic interest.
Kaye just walked out with someone that JUST meets her tadpole age.
Well she will have fun with that young man!
Under-age (not underage as in too young) but state of being under as it relates to inventory. Synonyms include shortage, dearth, under stocked, insufficiency and scarcity. Antonyms include overage.
1. We won't make it through winter with the under-age of our supplies.
2. We thought we were going to have an overage, but it turns out we have a under-age, oh well.
3. You always have to be mindful of your under-age.
(Alternative terms: Age forgery, Age fraud)
A personal term that I created myself that describes someone who wants to enter a place on the internet, but is blocked/prevented by rules/policies/community guidelines that only allow people aged 18 years old and over. So the person was forced to fake his age in order to enter the place
Discord Admin 1: "Well, I hope none of the members commit "Age-spoofing" here
Discord Admin 2: "Hehe, yeah....."
A Modern day and exaggerated version of designs and art, that are foreign to the mainstream. An underground or an amateur feel to it, art that is an anomaly.