Source Code

Dang ol' Boom

This can mean almost anything depending on the environment and actions being carried out by a group of friends.

This one also originated in Creston, Iowa

Can be used to describe the following:
-Hot Women
-Pointing out the obvious
-I like tacos

Guy #1:Dang ol' Boom

Guy #2: Dang ol' Boom

Guy #3 whats a Dangleboom


Guy #1: would you like to enjoy a cigarette with me

Guy #2: yes I would much enjoy that.

Guy #3: Whats a Dangleboom???

by Dangleboom12345 June 23, 2011

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power stance (BOOM)

when you see the girl of your dreams, you lean forward and flex your arm down all the way (BOOM). this is a common device used for picking up chicks, and it is endorsed by joey the trainer.

"Damn, im not one of those guys who is confident with his abilities." -Jordan

"Just do the power stance (BOOM). Lunge a little and BOOM!" -Joey

"Look at all these chicks i got!" -Jordan

"That's the power of the power stance...BOOM!" -Joey

by Iusedtobefat123 January 31, 2011

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Hillbilly Boom Box

When a man of poor taste, carries a 30 pack of Busch Light, or lesser quality beer, on his shoulder like a stereotypical 1980's rapper/break dancer.

Hey yall, did you see Bobby Joe walking back to his double-wide with a hillbilly boom box? Must be time for him to bust up his sister's undercarriage.

by John Granitz January 11, 2012

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cars that go boom

Pinto XD

De Pinto ees de choice car for de pyros!

by :) dudeman November 3, 2003

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boom tho

real, or a worthy

speaker 1: man you suck at sports
speaker 2 : man you tryna talk shit even boom tho

by rodnes July 2, 2009

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Boom like jandro

The act of alejandro going BOOM!

"yo you know jally go boom?" "yeah , BOOM LIKE JANDRO!"

by Jally_go_boom July 26, 2019

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Boom chicka pop

The art of blowing load up her ass then smacking her ass and poppinng your cock in her mouth

I boom chicka pop your sister last night she is still pissed

by BigG9005 July 23, 2017

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