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George Bush Bubble Bath

Sitting in the tub with a copious amount of bubbles making plane noises while flying over your toy twin towers and looking like George Bush

Nnnnnnneeeeeeoooooooowwwww booommmmm,is what my kid heard coming from the bathroom as I was taking my George Bush Bubble Bath!

by Chairproblemtothemax April 28, 2021

Obama Bath Water

You've sitting in bath water that Obama has already pissed in this whole time :)

Person 1: "I love me some Obama Bath Water"
Person 2: "Dude, you know that's his own piss, right?"


rain bath

A rain bath is a shower with a plugged drain, let the shower mist down to imitate the sound of rain. One is not to let the water fill past a couple of inches before one unplugs the drain, begin again, this could go on for hours.

“He works quite late so I see to it that I have four hour showers that turn into rain baths of reverie. 2/13/23”

— @6retton on 𝕏

by 6retton June 9, 2024

Dutch bubble bath

When one or multiple woman stand in a plastic bubble and a gentleman farts into it

Do you want a chance to win $500 all you have to do is a Dutch bubble bath (last woman to leave the bubble wins)

by RideThroughKind January 27, 2025

Bucket bath

Water put in a bucket for toys to bathe in

Little sister: Look! The unicorns are in a bucket bath!
Older sister: I can see

by Aricana9133 April 11, 2021

nature bath

When one gets caught out in a rainstorm and ends up drenched—often due to a foolish action, such as being drunk or high.

Steve: What’s he doing?
Eve: He’s face down, taking a bath.
Steve: He what?
Eve: He’s taking a nature bath.
Steve: Where is he?!
Eve: Out on the corner at Park and Fifth.
Steve: He’s going to catch pneumonia. *facepalm*

by Nickidewbear December 5, 2020

Dublin Bird-Bath

When a girl, gets on her knees and fills her mouth with Guinness so her man can dip his balls in it.

Last night my man was sooo hot, I gave him a Dublin Bird-Bath.. such a good night!

by BronzeGladiator November 3, 2023