A lavish example of a standard blumpkin, yet executed as if the receiver was a king demanding food.
Royal Blumpkin : Service me whilst I eat this sandwich, and properly defecate into this bowl.
Similar to a regular bumpkin, but slightly different. The act of receiving a blowjob from one individual while defecating on or in the mouth of another individual. Commonly executed during a threesome.
I was bored on a Sunday so I went on urban dictionary. I saw the definition of a Burmese Blumpkin and I threw up everywhere.
When the Blumpkin reciprocate has had a rather large and cheesy meal at their local Taco Bell. Usually ends messy.
Yea man, I just had taco bell the other day so i got a burmese blumpkin from her, Bless her soul.
The mixture of pumpkin ale and chocolate porter or stout beers into one pint.
Hipsters don’t drink Black and Tan, they drink Blumpkin Beer!
The delicately balanced art of getting your cock sucked while taking a dump, combined with the holy grail of the splash from the dump landing in her eye.
With one big splash and a squeal, my blumpkin turned into a blumpkin blowback, pushing me right over the edge!!
A blumpkin given in a porta potty (aka Honey bucket)
The porta-potty after the marathon was piled with a pyramid of poo, but my girl was still willing to give me a honey blumpkin.
The act of one performing, and another receiving, oral sex whilst seated on the toilet, preferably defecating. Popular in Maine.
After that meatball grinder, I was sure she wouldn't be up for the good old blumpkin, but she followed me straight into the shithouse and went to work.