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peggle pog master. beat peggle in like a week or sum

yk caleb? yeah the best peggle pogger ong player

by fortnitepeggle5 October 22, 2022



Caleb is mirco

by hnjwfeieljoewdjfodse June 3, 2021

Caleb frost

Caleb frost, a kid who smells like shit, who's fat, and follows you and he pretends that he's your friend but actually no one likes him,

Caleb frost is just a name

by Eat me daddy December 15, 2019

Caleb Walsh

The Caleb-Walsh is a sex position derivative of the name Caleb meaning strong and Walsh is indicative of the Welsh see-saw position. Essentially the Caleb Walsh is the position of the welsh see-saw but instead of just thrusting back and forth in the strap on threesome (see welsh see-saw) the male aims to lift the female (like when bouncing), which is what makes the Caleb or strong part fitting.

Hayes taught Elaine and Shaundra how to do the Caleb Walsh and they were so sore after.

by Deeznutz696969 October 12, 2022

Caleb Dixon

a person who writes weird semi-deep shit on urban dictionary thinking no one will ever see it

a hipster who was hip before it was hip to be hip

checkout out that guys reversible plastic yellow cowboy hat, he's definitely a caleb dixon

by jian gomeshi January 18, 2015

caleb depression

The feeling you get when you think of Caleb McLaughlin. And how successful he has become. Side effects: screaming,crying,a urge to just hug him. A uwu feeling

These tiktoks of Caleb are giving me caleb depression

by Caleb McLaughlin January 2, 2021

Cara and Caleb

Cara and Caleb are a long lasting relationship. They may argue, but through it all, they love each other so much. No matter what happens, they will always go back to each other.

Emma: Man! I wish I had a relationship like Cara and Caleb!

by brandysmithy November 23, 2021