-Female masturbation
-(Also can refer to feline discipline in effort to reduce undesirable kitty habits such as knocking breakables from raised surfaces)
"Sometimes you just gotta whack the cat" -Lucy
When a man goes down on a women and he is damn creepy about it. He usually looks like a sad puppy dog and doesn't really know what to do or what you like. Creep cats can be spotted just by looking at them! Creep cats often have strange strangely beards, but are not limited to men with bad beards. The term "creep cat" comes from the fact that he is creepy and he is licking your pussy, aka cat.
It has not been confirmed as to whether women can be said creep cats.
Stacy said "Joe is not a creep cat!"
Rachel said "Well when you get him into bed, you can prove me wrong. But I can tell just by looking at him that that man is a creep cat."
a vehicleBMW X5 that transports the alpha female cat woman
When driving her cat mobile, Sandy decided her favorite word in the dictionary was unfuckwithable.
A Cat Master is a male who owns many cats (More than 4) and his world revolves around them. He is in Love with all of them. Not to be confused with the Crazy Cat Lady.
That guy over there keeps 10 cats in his house, he must be a Cat Master.
The ginger and white fluffy cat that lives down Milford road. Abbreviated by simply saying FC.
Did you see Fluffy Cat today?