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Friend: Bro ur cringe
Me: ikr

by mitrije13 February 15, 2023


To cringe. Something that causes oneself internal pain, such as looking up what a footjob is on urbandictionary.com, or watching Frozen

I Cringed so hard.

by Deathtrap098765 November 26, 2021


Meowbahh, jellybean, and a LOT of other pngtubers. Do not call someone cringe! Instead, tell them they are a meowbahh Stan, or a jellybean stan.

“You are cringe!”

“No, instead say ✨A Meowbahh Stan

by UwUDeeznutz69420 June 20, 2022



person 1: guess who’s cringe
person 2: joe
person 1: obvs🙄

by kermits hoe July 17, 2021



person 1: guess who’s cringe
person 2: joe
person 1: yes how did u know

by kermits hoe July 17, 2021


Oh, is that what she said about making things your identity? You know who else said that? Dr. K! He said the exact same thing like the day before your interview! It's almost like you're little mandatory-positivity cult has a hierarchical structure and you're issuing official positions on topics from the top down. Isn't that weird? That all the self-help positivity cult clerics are all chanting the same rhetoric in unison? All at the same time? Within day of eachother? Word for word? The same exact quote, attributed to TWO DIFFERENT PEOPLE... On the same day! Or within days of eachother! How many other people have said the same thing recently? That's how you know who the clergy are. Get a list. Look up the quote from the Chis Williamson vs Piers Morgan interview.... Then look up the Dr. K Healthy Gamer Gg quote... And Then find all of the other people who said the exact same thing... Word for word. Where'd they all get it?

Hym "Yeah, no, I'll say it to your face but what do you think of the weaponized schizophrenia Dr. K? 😈? Huh!? IS THAT YOUR OFFICIAL RESPONSE? Your positivity cult is cringe. You're not beyond contempt. Sometimes the problem is other people. And what you need to do is take off the magic hat... And revert back to your natural form. Who issued that statement about making the things you do you identity being cringe? Is there a head therapist issuing those takes or did you and the chick come up with that together? Did you steal it from her? How many other people said the same thing?"

by Hym Iam February 26, 2024


when your cringy friend in high school makes a Instagram posts to flex that he got into some paid college seat smh

eww abhijit posted his college id in instagram .. cringe

by violetto September 6, 2021