This is a insult it means you are flat, dry, basic or bland
Person 1: your a fucking floor board
Person 2: ;-;
An inexperienced drunk who's booze fueled escapades often descend into either pretending to swim on the floor, or being legitimately unable to stand giving the impression of swimming on the floor.
"That Mick guy who showed up last night was a drunken mess, a real floor swimmer"
the lowest stage of a rejection. if you get floor zoned all i can say is i’m sorry for you.
rip bozo he just got floor zoned
Da "flat as da FLOOR" most-south-eastern U.S. state where everyone cluelessly "FLOORS it" like it's da Utah salt-flats!
Seeing as how da Daytona 500 is held in Floor-it-duh, it's little wonder dat said "peninsula state" has so many highballin' motorists who love to use said pancake-terrained principality as a huge racetrack!
Used when your losing an argument or need someone's attention. It's so absurd your opponent will walk away from confusion and disgust. Also Something to say when your being ignored in a conversation.
Example 1:
Dude 1: Bro your bout as inbred as joe Biden and his cousin.
Dude 2: Doo Doo on the floor
Example 2:
Dude 2: Hey guys remember wh-
Dude 1: Eyy bros I went surfing down at the omaplata drinking some ranch.
Dude 2: Yeah, I was gonna s-
Dude 1: And rad'ly enough got a rusty fishhook stuck in my foot from Larry David's fishpole.
Dude 2: Doo Doo on the flow. (Said like this for more diversity)
Everyone: what
My girlfriend and I don’t do normal lap dance. No. We do floor dancing.