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Shitting Beauty

A person who remains on the toilet for an excessive allotment of time, allowing no one else to use the facilities.

*knock* *knock* "Hey, Shitting Beauty! You gonna hog the can for a 100 years, or what!?"

by The Original Shitting Beauty July 9, 2013

on the clock shit

noun. (an addition to "The Shit List")

This is any kind of shit that you take while you are punched in (clocked in) at work. Lunch hour and coffee break shits do not qualify.

"Thought you might have fell down the toilet since you took so long in the bathroom?"

"Oh no, I just needed to take a nice "on the clock shit"!

by jamminspacey January 24, 2010

Semtex Shit

The act of taking a shit so hard that it sticks to the toilet bowl similar to the way semtex sticks to surfaces/people in the Call Of Duty series.

Sometimes it even has the ability to withstand the force of a flush or two.

Person 1: "Yo man, I just took one hell of a shit, it's stuck on like semtex and it won't flush away, what should I do?"

Person 2: "Oh you took a semtex shit? Its cool, just leave it for the cleaner, I'm sure she won't mind."

*Later that day....*


by wisemen experience May 22, 2011

Shit and Tell

The act of taking a crap, photographing it, and sending it to your friends. It can be considered a game, yet many just do it as a little joke.

Damn, Frank has a whole folder dedicated to shit pics! He must do a lot of Shit and Tell!

There was blood in my shit, I ought' to do some Shit and Tell with my doctor!

by Franchino May 24, 2017

Wakanda shit is this?

A pun that means “What kind of shit is this?”

Watch Black Panther to understand the full image of the pun. Wakanda is basically Black Panther’s home country.

Guy 1: dude pass this video to 15 people otherwise you’ll die the next day
Guy 2: Wakanda shit is this?
Guy 1: *dies from humiliation*

by T’Challa luvs Wakanda March 14, 2018

Shit on the marble

There is a trouble waiting ahead, and you know it's almost happening. It is common phrase used by American expats living in Europe.

When caught on camera cheating with another girl, Christopher knew there was shit on the marble.

by Sunlightfromthecandle August 9, 2018

fixing shit

Fix something random. To fix shit. I am fixing shit. Yesterday i fixed shit. I have fixed shit. I was fixing shit.

I was fixing shit yesterday. Can you fix my shit?

by Vebb May 20, 2016