A group of people that take copious amounts of drugs, usually acid. A brand created by the most elite geek squadders alive. The definition of a true geek squadder is one that DOWNS THE NOS, drops TABS, and takes immense bang rips.
Straight geekin' AT THE GEEK SQUADDDDD!!!!!!
Downing NOS aT tHe GEEK SQUADDDDDD!!!!!!
Geek Squad is a thing at Best Buy where their geeks fix your stuff and crap but most likely they won't as they don't really know a thing as again their geeks.
Are you saying you still use Geek Squad? Why they craped on my Computer when I tried getting it fixed.
When someone is super sweet and geeky and nerdy you would use the term “sweetest geek nerd” to describe them
“Awwww Matthew is the sweetest geek nerd and it’s a fact!!!!💙
A person that is in fandoms and has tons of knowledge about the fandom.
There is many types of marvel fandoms but the most geeky type is the one that goes deep into the origins
Not even close to a nerd a geek is an attractive pop culture, Internet loving person