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I.C.O. (Indian Cake Order)

when an Indian man or woman is at a bakery and takes an excessively long time to pick out a cake and has no idea what frosting or cake even is. Often wastes the bakers time by taking a half hour to order a cake and the baker cannot finish his work for the night.

Jimmy: "Hey jeff, you were gone so long, why did it take so long to take that cake order?"

Jeff: "Oh, that was just another I.C.O. (Indian Cake Order) Took forever, now i wont have time to set up the Italian bread.

Jimmy: "well looks like you got another I.C.O. waiting for you over there."

Jeff: "Dam, now i am never getting any work done tonight, Mr. Gettler is gonna kill me tomorrow."

by Anus Keithwhore July 31, 2010

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Indian hills middle school

a school were a sexy ass kid with a long ass penis goes




look its Indian hills middle school

by real wikipedia November 3, 2017

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Stupid fucking east Indian

this is an east Indian who is fucking stupid… they can be found in the monkey cage at your local zoo sitting under a tree in the shade eating bananas.....there have also been numerous unconfirmed sightings of them building houses in Canada

"hey Larry less smoke a couple of joints and go to the zoo and feed the stupid fucking East Indians"

by Super jo jo and friends July 12, 2016

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Indian River High School

A wack ass school with no money. Freshmen fuck in the auditorium, there's rats, roaches and Mr. Joppy. The only good thing about the school are the fights, and a few teachers. My boys Jerry and Kyle rock.

"Indian River High School is fucking nasty, did you see all those roaches bro?"

by Theguywiththeflowercrown September 23, 2019

indian ridge middle school

this place is a prison

have you heard about indian ridge middle school
yeah it’s living hell

by imaprostitue September 9, 2021

New York Indian Tribe

New York Institute of Technology (NYiT)

Person 1: Man, there are a lot of brown people at New York Indian Tribe.
Person 2: Yea, I bet they're all in the DO program too.
Person 1: Yea. Hey, let's go try breathing underwater!
Person 2: Sounds like a plan!

by ThePersonWithoutC April 14, 2008

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east indian goggle fuck

The act of applying curry powder to your anus lips, then squatting over a young attractive female, then dropping your balls into each of her eye sockets. You finish it all off by stamping the curry powder ladened anus on the middle of her forehead.

Look at that dot on that chicks forehead, she is either indian or has been east indian goggle fucked.

by eastindian August 10, 2011

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