Source Code

Alfred F. Jones

The character portraying America in the anime/webcomic Hetalia

Alfred F. Jones is the HERO!

by Flying Mint Bunny August 18, 2011

344๐Ÿ‘ 61๐Ÿ‘Ž

John Paul Jones

The bassist for your ear pussies. See also Jesus of music.

Damn dude, when I heard John Paul Jones it felt like Jesus inside of my ear pussy.

by sackbaker August 13, 2010

54๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Indiana Jones that shit

When you need to lock up the house you stayed at but you don't have the key. So you have to go out through the garage by hitting the garage door button and trying to run fast enough to not be crushed by the door while at the same time jumping high enough to keep from setting off the senosr that would send the garage door back up.

Guy: I am going to work now so lock up when you leave.
Chic: You are finally giving me a key :)
Guy: Fuck no! Indiana Jones that shit!

by RobertVanWinkel2010 November 16, 2009

47๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jones Soda co.

the world's greatest soda company with unusual flavors like blue bubble bum, chocolate fudge, and turkey gravy.

jones soda co. is the best

by dusty August 8, 2004

61๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

maurice jones-drew

At 5'7" 212 lbs, the halfback Maurice Jones-Drew has become widely accepted as one of the best 2nd round picks of the 2006 NFL Draft. Currently playing for the JAX Jaguars, MDJ ran for 13 touchdowns and 941 yards off 166 carries, at an average of 5.7 yards per carry in his rookie season, despite only starting one game, playing the rest behind Fred Taylor. He also got 436 yards receiving, including 2 receiving TD's. He returned 31 kicks at an average of 27.7, with one touchdown.

Maurice Jones-Drew is too small to have an impact at HB in the NFL...it worked at college but- oh crap he's great i'd best shut up

by Jonny.07 January 15, 2007

45๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Reverse Davy Jones

noun- An event (usually a kiss or sexual experience)that is so bad, you have to repeat it again (with another person) just to erase the bad memory from your mind/body.

(from the Brady Bunch when Davy Jones kisses Marcia and she says "I'll never wash this cheek again!")

Also See 'Davy Jones'

I can't believe I ever had sex with Jimmy! Gross out! I'm gonna have to pull a reverse Davy Jones tonight at the bar and erase that disgusting memory.

by A Peeples August 4, 2008

14๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Danny Jones Syndrome

A person who is naturally dumb/stupid or clumsy can be said to have Danny Jones Syndrome. The kind who accidently walks into things or drops important objects. Sounds naturally dopey when they talk. Name taken from the guitarist of British pop band McFly, who could be said to have the original Danny Jones Syndrome.

My Dad's such a 'tard, he forgot my Birthday again! He must have a case of Danny Jones Syndrome!

by McMinorrrRocks April 13, 2009

25๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž