The ultimate crumbler. Always needs a poo before leaving the house, and is never on time.
"Jim, make sure you're here for 6.30"
"Ok bois just need a shit and I'll be there"
6.45... "Jim?"
"Just leaving now bois"
Jim is another way people call Gym on the internet.
Yo dude you wanna hit the jim?
Also known as gym
A place where you willingly tear your muscles, get a strong caffeine addiction, get hit on by milfs, meet some insanely disciplined mfs and most importantly find peace
A silver-tongued, quite exceptional and extremely winsome guy with a brave heart, profound knowledge of the world and very unique humour. His thirst for new things and topics can't be appeased, what brings his mind to undreamt-of heights. The syrupy scent of his smooth skin fills the air and casts a spell over everyone being near, his warm smile will capture you for a long time. If you don't believe in God, look at Jim and you will see that this perfection has to be something divine.
"Jim is just great.", "Jim is quite cool."
Used in a sentance when you declare that you want maxi's 6.5 inches destroyer in you.