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Pulling a Karen

To run late.
To be hung over and not coming.

Sorry, I’m pulling a Karen

by TheHoneyBadger August 29, 2012

7👍 6👎

Obnoxious Karen

While minding his own business taking a dump, the girl sits on his face; opposite of an obnoxious Frank

So there I was, minding my business and she just walks in and goes all obnoxious Karen!

by JuicyCheddarBacon August 30, 2020

True Karen

Not to be confused with the typical ‘Karen’ this lady is well dressed, considerate, calm and a lover of pugs. Her loyalty to her family is off the charts!

“Hey Nelly I need to be a True Karen and go hunt down my daughter who has escaped her tent! Grab your wine and leopard print scarf, shits about to get real!!”

by NellyKelly30 October 17, 2021

Karen Review

A Karen Review is a review of where they see their child watching a show and think its demonic or too inappropriate because they are brainwashed by the church so they ban the child right to watch the show and they want the show cancelled so bad that they waste their time writing a review on that show their children watches especially if its for mature audiences . These are sometimes associated with Christian Karens

Bruh that Karen review was so stupid that i lost so many braincells from just reading it

by gaylord the memelord August 8, 2020

Karen capacity

the amount of people that can safely inhabit the same space simultaneously before someone calls the cops

i have to exit the premises as the spot I am at has reached its karen capacity and the cops are here

by imnotgivingmynametosomemachine May 2, 2020

Intern Karen

Basically internet troll that just complains like a Karen

Ok intern karen, now go join the real world.

by Jc Hum October 16, 2020

Bella Karen

Bella Karen does not fit the "Karen" stereotype of privileged, white and rude. Bella Karen is married to a man from a different cultural background than her and is of mixed ancestry. Hates homophobic people, likes to listen to live music, drives an old Toyota she can take camping, brought her children up to embrace cultural differences. Dresses like a Scandinavian. Might have a tattoo. Uses manners when talking to everyone including people experiencing homelessness. Friends comprise different nationalities, including Aboriginal (First Nations) and Maoris. Has the courage to confront bullies, but is still courteous. Married a darker skinned man to improve the gene pool.

Bella Karen will have to be invited to the event, she talks to everyone. I'll ask Bella Karen if she will cook us spaghetti and meatballs. Bella Karen will help with the fundraiser. Can you ask Bella Karen to talk to her about calling her eight year old son and a. hole at school today.

by #Courage August 10, 2020