The modern day RT. Hard nipples due to a variety of causes: low temperature, sexual arousal, been purple nerped recently, etc.
"Damn, it's so cold in here I'm sporting some spicy nipples."
When a pregnant woman lactates breast milk and it cultivates the correct cultures to produce a cheese like substance.
Rashawn Andrew - Grant hallaway - Wentsworth - " Damn, I was thinking about aborting this baby, I was just doing it for the nipple curds."
Tim - "Save some for me Rashawn Andrew - Grant Hallaway - Wentsworth, let me make a grilled cheese before you stifle God's plans!"
Rashawn Andrew - Grant hallaway - Wentsworth - "You rascal!"
Those juicy curds which form upon the nipple when one breastfeeds uncautiously. The curds taste of chunky sour onion goo & old buttermilk.
Mama lemme lick them tasty nipple curds yummy yummy yummy, tasty curds in my tummy.
the opposite of crispy nipple, you know what it means
“Don’t be such a crispple nipple about it man!”
“That laundry detergent? straight up crispple nipple man, don’t buy it”
Nipples that look like a pepperoni or are larger than pepperonis
I took of her shirt to find large and disgusting pepperoni nipples.
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A womans nipple that does not become erect during arousal.
Bro I was with this girl last night and I said damn whats up with the jelly nipples.
11👍 13👎
Pepperoni Nipples are found on those that have huge areola that are engorged and red resembling a pepperoni. Often times, these nipples have a large amount of black course hair protrusion.
Joey Pepperoni Nipples makes me want pizza.
101👍 178👎