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anime karen

anime karens are small young girls that have short greasy hair and usually are quite poor. they think anime's a lifestyle and if they watch a single episode they're instantly a massive fan. usually they trace art and claim its theirs. they also try and ship real and fake people in ships that are really un-realistic. like shipping a straight 14 year girl, with a 60 year old gay non-binary person. they continue to push anime up your freaking ass and will stop at nothing for their traced fan art to be noticed.

"omg alexis is such an anime karen."
"yeah, like yesterday she claimed i should be shipped with our 70 year old teacher mr barns, because we both have blue eyes"

by 🌻 ˒ⁱᡉⁿⁿᡃ πŸ‹ July 29, 2020

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dirty anime

A "better" way of saying hentai

Person1: I seen dirty anime
Person2: is it not just hentai?

by fourdefinitionperson January 4, 2021

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anime plot

i got this new anime plot. basically there’s this high school girl except she’s got huge boobs. i mean some serious honkers. a real set of badonkers. packin some dobonhonkeros. massive dohoonkabhankoloos. big ol’ tonhongerekoogers. what happens next?! transfer student shows up with even bigger bonkhonagahoogs. humongous hungolomghononoloughongous

joe: bro, i just found this new show!
dave: oh cool bro, what the story line?
joe: anime plot

by oliver made this account March 10, 2022

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anime rack

perfectly big and round breasts that look like anime breasts

woah she totally has an anime rack

by jinglebob13 July 11, 2015

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Animal Crosser

One who plays the video game Animal Crossing, consistently, to the point that it takes over almost all aspects of his/her life.

One who is an Animal Crosser might say...
"Wow i just won the bug off! Now my life is complete!"

by Katrinacoff January 24, 2014

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Anime apu

A person from the sub continent of Asia who watches anime

Anime apu smells like an alu la prata

by Freshi_121 November 16, 2018

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anime character

A character made by insecure women (about 10+). A male would have super spiky hair about 1-2 feet tall and have leather. Anime characters have a mysterious background to get all the fan-girls to go crazy. The females have long hair that's blue,red,yellow, etc. they have innocent backgrounds and have breast sizes bigger than their heads. They also have huge asses and nice legs.

Guy : Yo did you see that anime character on Naruto?

Guy2 : Yea, she's pretty hot.

Girl : You two are sexual pigs, you need to recognize the insecurity of women these days instead of looking at these anime characters.

*Girl fantasizes about another anime character*

by Ponies69 April 23, 2009

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