hata rock is an Instagram star. She's known for her colourful, most yellow style. So when people call something hata rock they mean it's too yellow or too bright.
this dress is so hata rock
The less desirable shift at a strip club. Overweight or manly built female.
You want to go to the strip club. No man it's lunch time the place is to rock heavy.
The person in the group chat who has the most dominator moments
“Dominator just jizzed,he’s such an Ashton rock”
Stjani Rock is one of the many powers of the universe, after the battle of Griffindor Stjani rock moved to the red house in Akureyri and became a internet sensation, on november 24 he will fight with Halli a.k.a (Haro) (Haraldur) the fight will go down in the epic shop of hagkaup.
Stjani Rock bjargaði mér í gær
"Punk is musical freedom. It's saying, doing and playing what you want. In Webster's terms, 'nirvana' means freedom from pain, suffering and the external world, and that's pretty close to my definition of Punk Rock."
-Kurt Cobain
Punk Rock is not only just a music but an expression in and of itself.
Getting slapped on network TV by Will Smith
Greg: Damn, Will Smif chris rocked chris rock
James: DF, was that Venus' nipple
Greg: Holy shxt!!
To be fucked so hard you feel it in your gut
Cam straight up gut rocked me last night, I came harder than Gamora hit the bottom of Vormir.