where you date and break as many guys as you can between April 1st and July 31stq
I want boy killing season to start already
The time in which one wears only underwear during the hotter months of the year because they are too lazy or poor to turn on the air conditioner.
"Aren't you going to put on any clothes today?"
"It's too hot. Besides, it's underwear season!"
The time period when robotics kids have no free time.
Hey! Have you seen Corvo? -Nope, it's their build season don't approach him he is too busy correcting CAD mistakes.
The season of corona virus
Guy 1: Hey do you want to go see a movie tommorow
Guy 2: Nah not during rona season
better was wetter than niagra falls in flood seasons after she was given the wink
1. When a man is flush and he grabs a lot of hookers to suck his penis.
2. When a man flashes his gear (drugs) out in front of a female and she reciprocates by reciprocating.
Just won a coupon lads 5 grand ya beauty tell the birds it’s blowie season!! Where’s the gear?
When you go on a seasonally-induced bottoming rampage. Ferived from “cuffing season”.
I’m having major plug fever, it must be stuffing season