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there are very twisted verisons of the word this term started in the early, heavy mental hospital days by a shrink that didn't know too much

anyway the word means two things

1. someone that doesn't respect the rights of others

2. one that doesn't socialize

"oh man check out that guy over there he's so not respecting the rights of others he's being anti-social"

by thedude July 11, 2004

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social hub

(noun) A person who is the connection between networks of many different individuals and groups.

Mira has so many different groups of friends, she's such a social hub!

by Mira Bethy March 6, 2017

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Social PMSism

The condition one has when they are open and communicative with someone and then a period of time later, they unexpectedly do not acknowledge the same person whatsoever .

Last year, he was like "Hey" to me, and this year, he completely ignores me. He must be in a period of social PMSism.

by paperfroggie August 27, 2009

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Social Chlamedia

The act of spreading infectious and spurious news and information through various social media channels.

social media + chlamydia = social chlamedia

Donald is completely full of shit, with his levels of social chlamedia, I'm surprised he's not been quarantined.

by Attila the Fun Pun January 28, 2019

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socially withdrawn

Person always sitting in the back of the class in school, and not sharing table with anybody. Can have anything from ordinary shyness or lack of courage, to serious mental disorders like social phobia and schizophrenia.
In the first two cases, also called "pussy" in former Yugoslavia countries like Bosnia, Croatia, and Serbia.

A: Why is this guy not talking to anybody? Why is he so socially withdrawn?
B: He is sensitive. He is good. Leave him alone!

by AsocialSurvival December 20, 2018

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social surfing

When you are on a social network and you see a name, photo, video or anything with a link and leave your current page to view that person's page.

Dave-"You were on facebook for a while."
Justin- "I was social surfing. Lots of people I don't know commented on your status. Just decided to check them out."

by dancesatwill December 28, 2010

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social surgery

the swift removal of infected, parasidic and just plain full-of-shit people from your life.

i need to do some social surgery to my friends list

by trevsm April 19, 2011

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