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To take a cleveland

To take a shit.

Be right back. I have to take a cleveland.

by Shplups April 4, 2023

Taking a H

Taking a H is when someone says they "hate" you.

Jake: Your mom is gay
Me: I hate you Jake
Jake just took a H
Jake 2 hours later: It's hard taking a H

by QUinn YodEr December 14, 2018

take the stand

Defending your friend in court so that he does not go to jail

Would you take the stand for Bestfriend?
Everyday, doesn't matter what they did.

by Belle427 April 4, 2017

Taking a Brian

The act of going the bathroom with emergency diarrhea while standing up as a result of food poisoning.

I had some bad shellfish , I am going to the bathroom and taking a brian.

by Nomad person August 9, 2023

taking the rock

Said by a person in drug rehab

In two weeks, I'll be taking the rock.

by LVNILL December 16, 2017

Take the bus

Proverb amongst suicidal people for ending their lives.

"I'm going to take the bus tomorrow, don't stop me"

by sirarturo October 20, 2023

wake and take

Wake and Take is when you wake up and go to your cousins room and take his or her virginity away.

cousin #1: i think i’m going to pull a wake and take on my cousin

cousin #2: oh no, better tape my ass shut

by mothers penis April 2, 2020