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Dingleberry Pancakes

When you mash a turd between your butt cheeks.

My friend pantsed me from behind and he came face to face with some dingleberry pancakes I whipped up that morning.

by das bouk! November 25, 2020

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Purple Pancake

When you squeeze the circulation out of a pair of rather large titties, and they begin to turn purple.

Secretary Clinton likes it real kinky. She had me give her the purple pancakes.

by OmgItsBigBoy November 12, 2020

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Cuddle pancake

It’s when two people are cuddling perpendicular like a cross, then one does the worm on top of the other.

Mike wants to cuddle pancake Kaitlyn so hard.

by TazerPhazerLazerBlazer December 9, 2017

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spicy pancake

Okay, so you ever want a breakfast taco, but the tortilla isnt enough carbs to cure your hangover? You order a spicy pancake. Its a pancake topped with everything a millenial needs, bacon, avacado, and of course, hot sauce.

My boyfriend wants pancakes but I want a breakfast taco, we just got an order or spicy pancakes to go.

by RandyTaco June 29, 2017

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pancake fart

When you slap two pancakes together to make a fart noise.

"That pancake fart was so narly!" -Aaron

by WhackyJacky June 2, 2017

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Finnish pancake

When you decide to go to sauna with your gf while your having hangover. In sauna you throw up and make your gf clean the mess by eating it.

"Maaan, i heard your gf enjoys finnish pancakes, how can that be?"
"Well she gets awesome sex afterwords."

by Ron77i July 30, 2019

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Puddy Pancake

The pussy, made into a meal. that is very tasty. Sometimes preferred with maple syrup, or just KY.

Yo nigga i ate me some of dat puddy pancakes dis monin.

by DR. FUCK YOU April 9, 2011

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