Source Code

Paul's Law

'Paul's Law'
1. a notional, Internet-born law (example: Godwin's Law) which dictates that any discussion--irrespective of its subject matter--will eventually become "derailed" (*moved off topic) into a debate about "traps" (*male-to-female transsexuals); in particular, whether or not an attraction to / relationship with said gender denomination by males is considered homosexual.
(NB: In this sense, the law pertains only to "pre-op" (*pre-operational) MTF trans girls.)
2. an expression indicating that a given conversation has veered away from its original topic and into the realm of "traps".

The nominal reference pertains to the Hollywood action film B-actor, Paul Walker (1973~2013). Subsequent to Walker's death in 2013, an un-authored "dialogue meme" (*series of pictures, generally taken from film, with subtitled captions) appeared. This meme comprised a sequence of images depicting Walker with another action film B-list actor (Vin Diesel) -- images taken from the final, tributary scenes of the film, Fast and Furious 7 (2015) -- engaging in a debate on the topic of "feminine penises" (*the 'femininity' of "trap" genitalia as viewed by their aficionados).
The can be viewed here (*SFW): Oqm33CQ (imgur website)

The proliferation of this image is largely attributable to the 4chan Internet image board and its denizens; in particular from its notoriously "trap-happy" sub forum, /pol/ (political)--wherein the notion of 'Paul's Law' is oft invoked or 'proven'.

"This conversation proves Paul's Law."
"Paul's Law is strong with this thread."
"Paul's Law states that this must now become a 'trap' thread!"

by Trolius Maximus March 2, 2017

paul davis

The most romantic man alive. A real family man. Always puts his kids and significant other first!

Christina Burgess do you take Paul Davis to be your lawfully wedded husband?

by Pdavis112 December 20, 2016

Paul Moore

If there is a kid named Paul Moore at your high school, you need to transfer. Paul has the worst kenekls you have ever seen in your life, drives a bitch truck, and eats the school pizza with a fork. Paul Moore is the kid to stay away from.

"Look at that fag over there!" " No that is just Paul Moore."

by beastboy4682 December 17, 2019

Frances Paul

an introvert who always tries to run away from reality. she is filled with so many secrets and is good in hiding her emotions. she doesn't trust anyone, not even herself. she is insecure, sensitive and needs help. even though she doesn't show it out. she is independent and likes to be all alone. she also tends to have emotion-breakdowns at the most randomest of moments. She tends to downgrade herself and refuses to acknowledge her traits; such as: drawing, being fun to be around, weirdin a good way, singing and all around beautiful. You shall be lucky to come across her and never leave her side.


by ITSJET February 12, 2019

paul o’rabies

Paul O’Rabies is referring to Paul O’Grady after gaining a disease from ‘hugging’ too many dogs (unknown if he does have rabies or not, but it’s funny)

Person one: you heard that Paul O’Grady has got a disease from hugging too many dogs

Person two: you mean Paul O’Rabies?

Person one: are you kidding me (dies from laughter)

by BillCipher27 November 12, 2017

Paul EYE2

When he sees another chunky person and wants to eat it up more than samanthas

Paul EYE2 Driftes over to that huge chunky person who is a grandma

by RussellOKC May 22, 2019

The Paul Newman

After banging a girl doggy and spilling your wad in her hair you pull out some croutons and throw them into her hair like a salad. The croutons stick to the jizz dressing and hair

After that bitch ordered the most expensive thing on the menu at dinner i took her home and gave her the Paul newman.

by chano rivera September 22, 2010