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Cocks to the rocks

A term meaning to go to the extreme and give it your all. To go above and beyond 100%. Derived from the saying, "pedal to the metal".

Instead of putting the pedal to the floor, you're using your cock to the maximum. The "rock" comes from the saying, "lets rock!"

"We're gonna head out to the clubs tonight and put THE COCKS TO THE ROCKS!"

"Dude, just put the cocks to the rocks and ask her out already."

"I studied all day and night for my exam. I'm gonna kill it! Cocks to the rocks!"

by Rattattack January 25, 2013

Shiny rock

When you are focused on doing something and all of a sudden you are distracted. When you are having a conversation and all of a sudden you are distracted or have a random thought.
Having a conversation with someone and noticing their "shiny" ring or jewelry, in which your focus suddenly becomes about their jewelry.

You are having a conversation with someone and all of a sudden "shiny rock" you change the subject to something completely random or different.

You are focused on doing something and all of a sudden "shiny rock" you randomly do something completely off track of that focus.

by Candygirlie August 25, 2013

snap rock

free based cocaine with an unknown cut added to it. it leaves a dry looking beige residue,this is crap,SAVE YOUR MONEY DO NOT BUY THIS SHIT

snap rock is free based cocaine with an unknown cut added to it.

by brªZen0ne January 24, 2009

Ashton Rock

The person in the group chat who has the most dominator moments

Dominator just jizzed,he’s such an Ashton rock”

by Cayman Rock June 15, 2021

Stjani Rock

Stjani Rock is one of the many powers of the universe, after the battle of Griffindor Stjani rock moved to the red house in Akureyri and became a internet sensation, on november 24 he will fight with Halli a.k.a (Haro) (Haraldur) the fight will go down in the epic shop of hagkaup.

Stjani Rock bjargaði mér í gær

by SiggiSwag04 October 22, 2019

Punk Rock

"Punk is musical freedom. It's saying, doing and playing what you want. In Webster's terms, 'nirvana' means freedom from pain, suffering and the external world, and that's pretty close to my definition of Punk Rock."
-Kurt Cobain

Punk Rock is not only just a music but an expression in and of itself.

by mchelclford May 21, 2015

Chris Rocked

Getting slapped on network TV by Will Smith

Greg: Damn, Will Smif chris rocked chris rock
James: DF, was that Venus' nipple
Greg: Holy shxt!!

by nbandyz March 28, 2022