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MF THUG is the greatest hip hop artist to step on earth originated in India Tamil Nadu he is inspired from Kanye west and no one can sample music like THUG

MF THUG droppin an album? damn travis jus lost another grammy this year

by william paul mckenzie October 1, 2023

butt thugging asshole

someone you really really hate

jim:that bastard james is a butt thugging asshole he told my sister Laura I had cancer when I dont
Sara: that's terrible

by bullshit meister November 8, 2017

thug of war

it is a game where the person who can keep thugging the longest wins, while another dude twerks infront of you.

i wanst able to fight of my urge durinh the thug of war😔

by This is not my real name pls February 17, 2024


A pussy scared of direct contact with humans. So they hide behind a screen. As Electronic Thug.

I can beat the shit out of e-thugs.

by DeathHax103 April 6, 2017

Thug hunters

Usually two faggot white men who go to the hood in search of niggers they can pay to have gay sex with, with the nigger usually being the bitch

Nigger 1: ay yo wut are dem white boys doing inna hood?
Nigger 2: Sheeit be careful nigga them boys is thug hunters

by randombullshit99 January 20, 2024

Thug Thumper

Noun: A basic type female that prefers the thug life kind of guy. This type of basic female is often found going from guy to guy has no job may have a few kids and listens to the top 20 rap battles of 2001 on replay.

Ugh, Devin is such a thug thumper.

by Titansgirl03 December 13, 2017

Hoodlum Thug

A dumbass person who is from da hood and is a clown cuz they are uneducated and do drugs n crap and hang around with ghetto gang thugs cuz they lack talent and can't do shit other than playing call of duty with guns and violence. And they try to act cool n tuff when they're really not. And they're just sad because they have sex issues and can't milk any girls cuz all they do is try to become famous by doing crimes n shit to get on the news and just bully and harass people for no reason cuz they're peasants and poor mothafuckas that are a joke to society and always will be the usual suspects.

Random person: Hey bro check out my AE86 its so cool.
Average human waste to society on earth: LOL that car is slow can't even beat a lambo in a straight line!
Random person: Try saying that to the 2JZ underneath the hood and lambos can't drift go back to your peasant town Hoodlum Thug Gaijin and go act like a ghetto gang thug clown there we don't do that here and besides you drive a junk piece of crap Prius EV stupid bitchass ricer mothafucka :)

by AntiFursAreBad June 29, 2024