Source Code

up in arms

to be in an extremely angry or agitated state

"My father was up in arms when he found out my sister became pregnant before she got married."

by Polo May 18, 2007

144👍 29👎

cock it up

to fuck up, botch, turn into a clusterfuck (British)

Thom Yorke of Radiohead prefaced a live performance of the song 'Fog', comparing it to the studio version: "...this is a better version of it...unless I cock it up, in which case, it's not"

by fux0red February 20, 2009

78👍 15👎

up the republic

irish statement of independence

"Up the republic", now drink that pint of Guinness!!!

by markie obrien March 18, 2008

42👍 6👎

up and adam

The term "Up and Adam" is a misused phrase of the proper term "Up and at-um".
The phrase "up and Adam" is often used who are not familiar with the origin of the terminology. The correct term (up and at-um) seems to have originated from the great war (WWI) of 1914, when the troops came up out of the trenches to advance on the enemy. The cry "Up and at 'em boys" would have given the troops encouragement. Likewise, the phrase "up and Atom" is also incorrect use of the term.

"Up and at-um" boys, was a battle cry to have men advance out of the trenches during WWI. Not "up and Adam" nor "Up and Atom".

American Psychological Association (APA):
up-and-at--em. (n.d.). The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Retrieved November 10, 2015
Chicago Manual Style (CMS):
up-and-at--em. Dictionary.com. The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Houghton Mifflin Company. November 10, 2015).

Modern Language Association (MLA):
"up-and-at--em." The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Houghton Mifflin Company. 10 Nov. 2015.

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Dictionary.com, "up-and-at--em," in The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Source location: Houghton Mifflin Company. Available: BibTeX Bibliography Style (BibTeX)

title = {The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer},

month = {Nov},

day = {10},

year = {2015}

by Agent0092 November 10, 2015

41👍 6👎

toast it up

1. (v) to toast it up is to make more intense - to bring up the energy level, often at a party or a basement show. Originated in the underground hip-hop scene in New Brunswick.

Damn, man! Let's get some music in here!

Yeah - come on, someone toast it up!

by LadyOrtiger January 8, 2010

32👍 4👎

up and coming

Showing signs of advancement and ambitious development

an up and coming manager

by Benweiss August 24, 2007

32👍 4👎

scissors up

Giving the peace sign.

Carlos: "Two pumps and a deuce, homey."

Enos: "Scissors up, bro."

by El-Dogg May 9, 2010

32👍 4👎