One of a very few rapper/producer/writers in the hip hop business who actually create good worth listening music. He's the reason for two great albums. 'The College Dropout' and 'Late Registration'. All songs from start to back all made and produced by Kanye. Seems to be hated for reasons I still have no clue why? Maybe because of the things he said about George W Bush on live Television. But this guy is the best out there in this day and age.
Kanye West = Hate Him Or Love Him when it come to music he IS pure hip hop Genius. Haters Fall Back.
29๐ 54๐
A wannabe southern state that's basically Mississippi part deux.
Even though West Virginia is located at a fairly northern latitude (the northermost part of WV is at the same latitude as NYC), due to the accent and mannerisms of it's people and it's odd geography, it might as well be a part of Mississippi.
<Pittsburgh person> Did ya know that West Virginia is only 'boot a half hour away from Picksburg, eh?
<West Virginia person> I THINK YOU BE LYING BOY
56๐ 121๐
A very boring and mostly suburban town. The only hilights to this seeming hellhole is the movie theatre "The Rave", it's distance from the theme park "King's Island", and the variable amount of easily obtainable drugs you can find in any white-dominated suburb in the Midwest.
The school districts which are part of it are Lakota Local, Mason, and Fairfield.
Lakota Local is dominated supremely by white teenagers, some emo, some wiggers, and many druggies. There is also the extremely large crowd that wears shitty Hollister generic crap.
Mason is pretty much the same but with a greater emphasis on the preppy retarded type of people.
Fairfield however, is comprised of a large black population and is known for it's violent/gang-like behavior.
1: Hey motha fucka', I live in the DubC
2: Where the hell is that you ignorant bastard, get a fucking life.
1: Don't be hatin' my kind, we are the true thugs and members of the underground.
2: (Shoots 1 in face). West Chester is full of fucking idiots.
50๐ 106๐
A school in Florida for nerds with high FCAT scores. If you go there, you don't get the extra 2 hours of sleep that normal middle schoolers get.
And no, I haven't seen anyone cheat at West Shore.
16๐ 28๐
where all da fuckin pussiez live being fake ass niggaz cuz da real niggaz come from da EASTCOAST
repp nyc
tell me a motha fuck tat waz born in cali tatz a real motha fucka
dont tell me fuckin snoop or fuckin xzibit
tupac waz born in NYC
da WestCoast are all pussiezzz queenz niggaz run ya niggaz
76๐ 168๐
The act of shitting your pants profusely, wiping your ass with dirty toilet water, and having to throw away your boxers because they are filled with shit, while being in the presence of a girl who you've liked since gradeschool.
West Chester - Ur@a college Opn House w/ a grl who uve likd since gradeschool, gettin buffalo chicken pizza walkn out of the pizza place&immediately havin2shit.The search4a toilet begins.Meanwhle the grl of ur dreams is back@ur car waiting4u&wondering where the hell u r.So ur almost there the toilet is in sight&u cnt hold it anymore.ur hand is already on ur ass trying2plug ur asshole from erupting w/diarrhea like lava ur40 ft away&then it just flows out of ur ass like the Nile.Theres no turnin back now theres already a quart of shit.So u finally reach the bathroom&u have2go again.Do u make it2the toilet?Of course not.So now tht whole stall is ruined.ur blue pants r coverd in shit.ur boxers r shot,a pair tht was once white w/ shamrocks on it has turned in2a brown diaper.So u try2wipe but it spreads it all over the place so clevrly thinkn u cup ur hand&begin scooping water out of the toilet to pat ur asshole dwn2wipe the shit off.After roughly 5 scoops all the toilet water is brown but u keep doing so2clean urself off The pants problm then arises.Wat am I supposed2do w/a pair of blue pants tht r covered in shit?So u begin soakin ur pants in the bathroom sink Keep in mind thres NO LOCK on the bathroom door&ur standing@the sink soakin ur pants in nothin more than a t-shirt socks& hr later ur done ur pants r soakd&u return2ur car.The grls like OMG Wats that smell?&ur like um..uh..I steppd in somethin..lookin down @ur shoe&realizin u 4got2wipe ur own shit off ur shoe.
25๐ 49๐
HOT,REAl,POWERFUL,Finaly some commin out with some real shit.
onee of the bes rapers out
48๐ 104๐