To take a dump so explosive that it completely covers every part of the porcelain in a textured turd finish consistent with an external rendered look
Bro I just completely render the bowl
Used to call somebody extremely hot, and say that you want to be the spoon inside the bowl meaning you want intercourse.
Hey baby, did you know you’re a silver bowl?
Dumper Bowl (not to be mistaken for the athletic event, The Dumperbowl) is a synonym for words such as: the tush cushion, the halo bowl (only applies to fish), swirly station, HWDC (Human Waste Disposal Closet), the #1/#2 irrigation center, and most commonly known as the toilet.
Jerry: "I just emptied some freshly cut logs into the Dumper Bowl if you know what i mean." ... "No not the athletic event."
Getting to be the first user of a particular public bathroom stall of the day, while it’s still clean and sanitary.
I get to work early everyday so that I can get First Bowl
A bowl of marijuana packed and smoked with another as a form of thank you, or courtesy. Practiced amongst stoners who were brought up properly and thus have good manners.
Stoner 1: Thanks for the ride home man! Here I packed you a courtesy bowl, would you like to take the first hit?
Stoner 2: Why thank you I think I will!
1👍 1👎
Looking at Facebook or the internet on your phone to amuse yourself while stuck on the toilet with an attack of bowel distress.
I was stuck in the bathroom a long time, glad I had my phone for some bowl scrolling.
When, during a Number 1 you realise you actually also need a Number 2. Instead of flushing for a clean bowl you decide to finish the Number 1 before proceeding with the Number 2 - risking self-urine splashback.
Variation: Stranger Danger Bowl
Same situation applies, but urine already in the bowl is a strangers.
"I risked a danger bowl, and suffered the consequences."