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May 28th

The day all the baddies were born, no matter which year >:)
We're unsociable lmao

I was born on may 28th >:)

by Creator of stuple May 26, 2021

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may 29

people born on this day tend to be very funny and underrated. however, their life is a mess but they try their best to make it work out ๐Ÿ˜

i heard ur birthday's may 29? need a hug?

by suckmydickuwu November 24, 2021

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May 6

Eat your friend/gf pussy day
Just pick a girl and eat the fuck out of her

"Hey, you! Its may 6, I wanna eat you!"
"No, lets go!"

by Lolz007 May 5, 2022

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May 8th

Beautiful people day. The day where you can feel the inner beauty as the outer beauty to. No makeup day and just relax!

May 8th is the day you can find your inner beauty and outer beauty.

by Alpecaaaa October 29, 2019

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ci mai

ci mai pronounced as "ji mai". There is no universal english pronunciation translation for this word. Chinese people in South East Asia and mainland China normally spell it as "ci mai". In Hong Kong, perhaps in East Asia region, Hokkien people or users of this word like to spell it as "ji mai".

It is a Hokkien(a Chinese dialect) or Taiwanese word for female sexual organ, literally.

It also means a girl, a bastard, a dickhead, a shithole and a motherfucker, etc..(see example 1 below)

(not often)It may also be a negative supportive adjective to be placed in front of a subject noun, like "fucking shit" in english. However, this word is always for describing negative things, not exactly like "fucking" in english. In english, "fucking" can be added in front of a subject or noun to express "very much". But, ci mai never has this linguistic function. (see example 2 below)

Example 1 :
That man has just stolen my wallet, ci mai !
That ci mai has just kicked me in my groin !

Man A: Sup dog? U look fucked. Wut's botherin u so much ?
Man B: u know who's mike, rite ? i caught that ci mai shacking with my girl on my bed last night !

Example 2 :
ci mai kia/gia/gaah = fucking kid
(most common example, and perhaps the only example in this category)

by Ai Ai Sir September 10, 2006

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may wee

This word, or two,mean yes and originates from the French term 'mais oui'and basically means yes said very enthusastically. This is used by us genious folk to show our fantastic language skills unlike those wicca wicca blazin' squad memebers or those involved in the ponchomania phenomina whose language skills are roughly nil. Anyway may i wish you much elemayo in the use of this new word.

'So, Katie, are you stalking James who works in H&M?'
'May wee'

by Katie and Ellie December 29, 2005

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May 16th

The day the most amazing person left this earth and went to a better place

Person1: what happened on may 16th?
Person2: the best person ever left.:(

by Jeof frey November 9, 2019

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