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blind charity

Giving money to people you don't know, for a cause that probably doesn't exist.

I.e. "Help me save my dog," "I need money for gas," "My child is in the hospital"

Random Stranger: "My child is in the hospital, please help me raise money for him/her"
Me: "Have any pictures of this child?"
Stranger: "Not on me"
Me: "Right... I'm not one for blind charity"

by johnydelux1 April 2, 2018

i turned a blind eye

hice la vista gorda

I turned a blind eye to a lot things, I turned a blind eye of it

by CR29911 July 7, 2017

blind hawk

An act made in black ops descibing when one "acidentaly" kills his opponent with a tomahawk. Trust me its fucking crazy i did this a bunch of times i was in nuke town and i couldn't find my friend and i jus blindly through it from behind the hummer and it hit him on the stairs of the yellow house, it bounced off the book shelf on the second floor and hit him.....boom!! head shot

Dude yesterday while on playstation network i pulled a blind hawk on my friend it was crazy!!!

by bonbonboobiemanzzzzz February 1, 2011

eyebrow blindness

when u don't notice that ur eyebrows are messed up and u continue to carry on thinking it looks good. then maybe later u look back at finally realize like ew my eyebrows were ugly.

James Charles suffered from major eyebrow blindness...
-his sharie brows

by youknowmemr.cool August 9, 2024

Bishop blindness

A mental disorder common among non-professional chess players causing them to not notice the opponent's bishops when making a move.

— white: (moves his queen next to the opponent's king) checkmate!
— black: Nuh-uh (captures the queen with a bishop 8.23 megaparsec away)
— white: Goddamit! I have a bishop blindness!

by Mnemotechnician August 10, 2023

Southeastern Alaska State Technical College of the Blind and Deaf

American college football term for a small, barely heard of college who is matched up against one of the top teams in FBS and has an exactly 0% chance of beating them.

Also can be used as a derogative term for any random college nobody knows.

Shortened form of the college is “SEASTCB&D” (Pronounced: “CEASED-kuh-band”) if you’re too lazy to say 17 syllables.

Mike: “We’ll need Alabama to lose a game soon if we’re gonna have any shot at winning the division. Who are they playing against this weekend?”

Jeff: *google search* … “Something called Southeastern Alaska State Technical College of the Blind and Deaf”.

Mike: “What’s the point spread? 222.5?”

Jeff: “Maybe if Bama puts in the waterboys, but I guess I’ll be rooting for the… *checks phone*… Abominable Snowmen… out of mere desperation.”

Mike: “Looks like we’re on the SEASTCB&D-wagon this Saturday at noon!”

Jeff: “This will totally be worth three hours of my weekend!”

by K. C. Austin August 13, 2022

Pulling down the blinds

Being rude or dissing someone or something.

Has the same meaning as "Throwing Shade"

She was pulling down the blinds yesterday

by You Know Im Always Right January 18, 2016