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Central Avenue Church Of Christ

An unknown cult in Fairborn, Ohio that covers up sexual assault and hides predators.

Rose: Don't go to Central Avenue Church Of Christ. It's really dangerous.
Syra: Why?
Rose: They're a cult and their covering up sexual assault, I should know, I'm one of their victims.

by TheWhistleblower May 20, 2018

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Church tabernacle

its a fuckin weird church were they do weird ass cult shit and rape people

do go to the Church tabernacle you will be raped

by justin von wolfgang January 16, 2008

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jonathan from church

jonathan from church is a blowing up meme on tiktok

i dont think your listening chantelle i loved you but you cheated with jonathan from church

by January 4, 2022

Church Hen

A woman, often a widow or spinster, who is very actively involved with her local church but for reasons of self-importance, the opportunities afforded for gossip, loneliness or boredom rather than strong religious belief.

The church hens were furious at the changes made by the new Vicar.

by ThePillenwerfer February 15, 2023

church (h)usher

A Sunday-services attendant whose purported task is merely to see to da needs of da parishioners, but whose real job is to quell noisy stir-crazy children who would much rather be playing outside in da fresh air and sunshine, rather than being compelled to sit still and keep quiet inside a stuffy musty meeting-hall for two hours.

If churches would offer more-generous helpings of ice cream and/or an erectory as incentives to attend their boring sawdusty-dry sermons, there would likely be less need for church (h)ushers to be on hand to deal with crankily-impatient youngsters and teenage boys.

by QuacksO January 31, 2023

home churching

Sleeping in on sunday morning when all the good baptists go to services

Dude, Monica was bitching because you didn't go to church yesterday.

Had a rough night Saturday. Decided to do the home churching thing.

by St. Gregory October 25, 2013

church lady kool-aid

Origin: Lutheran

CHERRY (and only cherry) Kool-aid mix WITH the sugar AND 1-1.5 more cups of sugar added. Often paired with Oreos.... and then Dodgeball. #PraiseJesus

You don't need alcohol or drugs, you will be flying high enough on church lady kool-aid.

by kisserT September 4, 2022