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Literally physical depression.

Man one: Dab.
Man two dabs.
Man two pulls out a gun and kills himself.

by CaptainCamo1906 April 6, 2018


A stupid way of showing ur kool moves. used in many cringe ass nigger hoe videos that i cant fucking bear to watch
But sometimes its cool when u actually do it well and do it at the right timee

person 1 - "hey man u thirsty"
person 2 - "sure, can i have a sip"
person 1 - "no fack u"
person 1 -*dabs*

by AsianGaeHoe February 12, 2019


dumb ass bitch” or “den a bitch

it’s cold “den a bitch”(dab) out here, or you “dumb ass bitch”(dab)

by aeyo March 10, 2024


A dead fucking meme

¨Dab *Gets shot

by Beatyourmeattothebeat April 3, 2019


The act of looking like a complete fucking idiot.

Person 1: Bruh look i just landed a bottle flip.
Person 2: k....
Person 1: *dab*
Person 2: Leaves the room.

by Pinkeyh May 26, 2017


delusional ass bitch
mostly for females who are delusional over a guy that isn’t good for them

shes so dab over that kid😂”

by inlovewithmyex March 15, 2024


The pure oil form of THC. 60-100% THC, extremely potent.

Last night we wanted to get some dabs but it was $70 a g.

by TexasBull April 8, 2017